Manpower Supplies

The strength of ALC lies with our being cost effective, fast in execution of projects and maintaining a sizeable computerized Data bank. All applicants are initially interviewed and technician trade tested in their particular fields to be accepted into the data-bank. Our database consists of the entire gamut of human resources extending from supervisors, engineers, IT professionals, administrative staff, and skilled/unskilled manpower for various fields.

ALC lays emphasis on individual solutions which are mutually beneficial. By matching the right individual with the right job, ALC provides a unique service to the industry. ALC takes great care in properly identifying qualified, trained and experienced personnel for contractual or permanent employment. It is the quality of the professionals within a company that ensures the winning edge over others in today’s highly competitive business world.

ALC will:

  • Coordinate with recruiting offices.
  • Provide a short list of potential candidates for selection by clients.
  • Recruit for client’s payroll.
    1. Employee paid by client.
    2. Employee housed and transported at client’s expense.
    3. All employee benefits are on client’s expense. (Ticket, General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI), meals , and medical)
  • Recruit on ALC payroll and hire out to client.
  • Employee paid by ALC.
    1. Employee housed and transported at ALC expense.
    2. All employee benefits are handled by ALC expense ( Tickets, Meals, Medical and Transportation) Third Country nationals (TCN)
  • All travel to and from Kuwait, Iraq or Afghanistan will be furnished by ALC to include all visa requirements
  • All TCN will be employed by ALC
  • All housing, meals, transportation to and from work site provided by ALC
  • All Camp access will be conducted by ALC
  • J-2 badging for Kuwait Naval Base, Ali Al Salem Air Base and SPOD provided by ALC

All our policies and procedures are in full compliance with the rules and regulations of the Combating Trafficking in Persons (TIPS